The challenge

As part of an ELT restructure, and with Diversity front of mind,the Group Managing Director and Chief People Officer engagedEmu to conduct a Talent Mapping project to identify the depthof female executives in Australia with the skills and experienceto assume the position of CFO. This was done in confidence, to help the CEO and the Boardbenchmark a strong internal option from within the parentgroup.

The roles

Approximately 400 people exist in the CFO’s portfolio, with4 direct reports across Finance (c200 employees),Technology, Business Development, Property Finance, andRisk and Compliance.

A wholesale transformation did not need to be undertakenin the CFO's portfolio. The core mandate was to drive theperformance and output of the group.

There was an immediate focus on the development of theCommercial Finance and Business Partnering group, toenable the organisation to deliver on growth objectives inboth the Trade and Consumer channels.



We provided the CEO and CPO with a Talent Map of approximately 70 female executives with suitable technical and functional expertise (not necessarily CFOs, but also COOs and CEOs).

These individuals had executive-level experience within ASX 100 companies, and in some cases, within privately-held retail organisations, and/or large subsidiaries of multinational consumer businesses (listed or other).

We helped confirm that the CEO should appoint the recommended Executive from elsewhere within the Parent Group.

Our Talent Map brought visibility to many outstanding executives, and the Parent company appointed one of those individuals to the CEO position of a different group entity.



Very innovative in the approach to identifying new talent.Commercial while solving critical, complex executiveassignments.

Chief Executive Officer
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