The challenge

The CEO felt it was prudent to benchmark the external marketagainst the capability of their Chief Growth Officer (CGO) andwanted to de-risk the search process by engaging Emu on aconfidential mapping exercise before committing to a full search.This role is integral to their ambition of achieving internationalscale and a subsequent successful liquidity event / exit. Theincumbent CGO was performing well but with a few questionmarks over longevity and fit. The question was, β€œAre there betterprofiles out there and if so should we conduct a full search?”‍

The roles

The CGO is an ELT position, reporting to CEO. Key tosuccess is building out sales teams and developingoperating models that are fit-for-purpose in differentmarkets, as well as creating a more sophisticated and data-led approach to sales conversion. It is critical for ZL that thenew CGO can source and convert more strategic multi-sitedeals and partnerships.



We provided the client with an initial Talent Mapping solution, to bring visibility to the depth of people in Australia whowere capable of assuming this position. We conducted a national search for executives with demonstrable success inrapidly scaling SMEs, in the Technology and SaaS sectors, who had sold B2B services, platforms, and products to both SMBand Enterprise clients on an international scale.

The CEO was confident with the depth and quality of talent identified. We were subsequently engaged to deliver a secondscope of work which involved Engaging with and Assessing that talent. The deliverable for stage 2 was a β€˜Long list’ ofsuitable and interested talent.

The CEO then embarked on the final stage of Interviewing and Selection. He was impressed with all shortlisted candidatesand selected 3 of the 5 shortlisted for 2nd round interviews. A candidate was appointed who started with the client onSept 4th 2023.



They nailed it, they listened to our challengeand were able to offer a a solution that reallyworked with our risk appetite and thoughtprocess and we are now 50% up on budget

Chief Executive Officer /Founder
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