George Palatianos


03 9937 7000


George is a strategic advisor to Emu in areas of commercial and corporate development, M&A and growth.


George joined the Advisory board in 2024 after being associated with the Founders of Emu for the best part of 20 years. His wisdom, knowledge and expertise in both large ASX, Private business and working with founders makes him an invaluable asset to all team members around the board room table.


George is a highly experience Investment Director and Group CFO. Β He has held prominent roles in major organisations within various business sectors including agri-business, construction, property investment and finance. These roles include Group CFO of the Costa Group, Hickory Construction Group Commercial Director of Prudential Equity Partners, Director of Integration and Growth at MaxCap Group and Director of Genis Steel.


03 9937 7000

Board Advisor

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George Palatianos

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